Thursday, November 28, 2019

Everwild by Neal Shusterman (Skinjacker #2) // BOOK REVIEW

“...And perhaps you can sense, in some small twisting loop of your gut, the convergence of the wrong, of the right, and of the woefully misguided. If you do, then pay sharp attention to the moment you wake, and the moment you fall asleep...For maybe then you will know, without a shadow of a doubt, which is which.”

Book: Everwild (Skinjacker #2)
Author: Neal Shusterman
Genre: Young Adult, Fiction
Synopsis: Everlost, the limbo land of dead children, is at war. Nick the “Chocolate Ogre” wants to help the children of Everlost reach the light at the end of the tunnel. Mary Hightower, self-proclaimed queen of lost children and dangerous fanatic, is determined to keep Everlost’s children trapped within its limbo for all eternity. Traveling in the memory of the Hindenburg, Mary is spreading her propaganda and attracting Afterlights to her cause at a frightening speed.

Meanwhile, Allie the Outcast travels home to seek out her parents, along with Mikey, who was once the terrifying monster the McGill. Allie is tempted by the seductive thrill of skinjacking the living, until she discovers the shocking truth about skinjackers.

What I thought about it...

Whenever I read fantasy books, the gears in my head started turning looking for plot holes...

And I become suspicious...
But this book or series is different. Maybe it has plot holes. I don't know or I'm not sure because I don't mind.

The Characters

Many characters were introduced here like Jackin' Jill, Milos, Moose and Squirrel to name a few. I dreaded that I have to keep up with a lot of names every time I read something in the fantasy genre but I find it not a problem in reading this book.

Also, I like the character progression of each leads but can I just add that it sadden me to see Lief go. And now I felt bad for seeing someone go somewhere they need to be just because it doesn't make me happy. Goodbyes are difficult when you get attached to people... be it in real life or in fiction.

Back to the character progression...
Nick became the Chocolate Ogre and it's saddening. Like he really became a mud of chocolate in the end. 
Can I also add that I shipped him with Allie in book one til the second half of this book. But then Mikey McGill appeared and he now became my most favorite character (with Nick closely behind). I was so brokenhearted, though, with what he saw between Allie and Milos. And with that I hated Allie. I thought she is so insensitive and that she deserved it when Mikey left her.

My Verdict

I read Everwild as soon as I finished Everlost because I was afraid that boredom will get the best of me. I enjoyed Everlost but I felt like it was just okay even if I don't finish the series. But good Lord, I picked up Everwild and I can't put it down. I didn't regret one bit.

But this series is kinda depressing. It was like survival of the fittest. The living world is in danger with Afterlights - beings that they cannot see. And it scared me because, really, what if there really is another world out there?

Anyways, I recommend this book. Oh my gosh, it's good.


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