Thursday, November 28, 2019

Everlost by Neal Shusterman (Skinjacker #1) // BOOK REVIEW

“But we can't choose what we forget. The more we try to forget something, the more we end up remembering it.”
Book: Everlost (Skinjacker #1)
Author: Neal Shusterman
Genre: Young Adult, Fiction
Synopsis: Nick and Allie don't survive the car accident...

...but their souls don't exactly get where they're supposed to get either. Instead, they're caught halfway between life and death, in a sort of limbo known as Everlost: a shadow of the living world, filled with all the things and places that no longer exist. It's a magical, yet dangerous place where bands of lost children run wild and anyone who stands in the same place too long sinks to the center of the Earth.

When they find Mary, the self-proclaimed queen of lost kids, Nick feels like he he's found a home, but Allie isn't satisfied spending eternity between worlds. Against all warnings, Allie begins learning the "Criminal Art" of haunting, and ventures into dangerous territory, where a monster called the McGill threatens all the souls of Everlost.

What I thought about it…

The Writing

I thought the plot is so clever and creative. Wow, just wow. It is so beautifully written though it was kinda depressing. I’d like to commend Neal Shusterman for he was not afraid to make a plot this sinister and I thought he executed it perfectly. There are books with promising plot but failed in the execution but Everlost is not that kind of book. It is kind of refreshing and very different because it is not your typical demon, werewolves, vampire, witches fantasy novel. It opens my eyes to another world. This is the second young adult / fantasy that captured my imagination (next to Uglies Series).

The Characters

I love them all. I was a little indifferent with Allie, at first, but I started to like her eventually. I didn’t like Nick’s character too, in the beginning ‘cos I thought he was kinda petty but it turned out he was my most favourite character in this book. And with Lief, I felt like I found another little brother in his character. I like that Allie cares about them. Actually, I like how thoughtful the main leads are towards each other. They are mature and responsible for their age and I admire it.

What I liked less…

Mary. The moment she appeared in the book, I already knew there was something odd about her. I like, though, how motherly she is to the other kids and even taking them under her wings. But I don’t like her for reasons I can’t explain. Later on I realized why... my intuition never fail me.

Also, I don’t like what happened to Nick, though it didn’t affect how I rated this book, I don’t see how it is necessary for his character but the next two books was so amazing it makes up for everything.

My Verdict

Finishing this book one made me feeling...

It is a gem.

Trying yet another young adult / fantasy is kinda dreadful for me since the Clockwork Angel failed me in so many ways. But upon seeing that this is in my To Read shelf for three months now, I thought I’d give it a try. And I was not disappointed.


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