Tuesday, September 1, 2020

The Babysitter by Sheryl Browne // BOOK REVIEW

Book: The Babysitter

Author: Sheryl Browne

Genre: Fiction, Suspense, Thriller

Synopsis: You trust her with your family. Would you trust her with your life?

Mark and Melissa Cain are thrilled to have found Jade, a babysitter who is brilliant with their young children. Having seen her own house burn to the ground, Jade needs them as much as they need her. Moving Jade into the family home can only be a good thing, can’t it?

As Mark works long hours as a police officer and Melissa struggles with running a business, the family become ever more reliant on their babysitter, who is only too happy to help. And as Melissa begins to slip into depression, it’s Jade who is left picking up the pieces.

But Mark soon notices things aren’t quite as they seem. Things at home feel wrong, and as Mark begins to investigate their seemingly perfect sitter, what he discovers shocks him to his core. He’s met Jade before. And now he suspects he might know what she wants …

Mark is in a race against time to protect his family. But what will he find as he goes back to his family home?

What I hate about it...

You see, Mark Cain is a detective, a good one at that. And yet he didn't have a clue that a criminal is living under their roof, under their noses. Clearly, this husband and wife isn't the brightest bulbs in the room. Also, I know it's easy to say and Mel was drugged that's why she's thinking the way she was thinking, but it's just senseless to say that her husband is the one drugging her when it's the babysitter who's been feeding her and giving her the meds. Yet she never doubted a single thing about this too good to be true babysitter.

Also I was so exasperated when I'm almost few pages away from the ending and still there are unresolved dilemmas (Cummings for one) and more dilemmas that kept popping out and I worry that it may not be resolved or no conclusion will be reached in the end.

What I hate more about it...

What I don't like at all is the fact that Mark and Mel don't realize what Jade was doing. They have no clue 'til the end. And it was, in fact, Jade who revealed who she was when she lost control of herself in front of Mark and when she slapped Mel and shouted in her face. So much for being a good detective, Cain.

What the fudge...

In the summary of this book it says, "Mark begins to investigate their seemingly perfect sitter, what he discovers shocks him to his core. He’s met Jade before. And now he suspects he might know what she wants..." Well, no, I don't think Mark investigated Jade and I don't think he recognized her until she practically tell that to their face. I also don't think that he knew what she wants. Or maybe I missed it all because I practically skim read throughout the latter part. This is poor.

My Verdict

This was okay. Well-written but it's annoying. 



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